Ireland Job Openings

Tallaght University Hospital

Simulation Nursing Lead Clinical Nurse Manager 3 - Centre for Learning & Development



September 9, 2024


Simulation Nursing Lead, Clinical Nurse Manager 3, Simulation Centre

Centre for Learning and Development (CLD)

Permanent Full time

Reference No: 08.009 (2024)
The Simulation Nursing Lead Clinical Nurse Manager 3 will be responsible for the development, coordination, and execution of inter-professional simulation-based education in Tallaght University Hospital (Simulation Based Education in the Centre for Learning & Development, satellite Simulation Laboratory on the Acute Floor and other in situ Simulation Based Education) in collaboration with the inter-professional Clinical Simulation Facility at TUH.

The Inter-professional Clinical Simulation Facility supports inter-professional simulation-based education across the continuum of health professions education and in translational simulation to improve the quality and safety of patient care.

The successful applicant will provide a consultative service within their area of expertise, contributing to output reporting and research, implementing changes to practice, and undertaking quality improvement activities with a focus on healthcare practitioners from all professions. This position also supports the development of simulation faculty and Simulation Nurse Educators across the Dublin and Midlands Region and collaborates with key stakeholders to develop programmes that meet organisation’s strategic priorities.

The Simulation Nursing Lead will also serve as simulator operator by programming, testing and dry running scenarios with faculty instructors, assuring that faculty and equipment are set up for teaching sessions.

1. Each candidate must on the latest date for receiving completed application forms for the office:
  • Be registered in the General Division of the active Register held by Nursing and Midwifery Board of Ireland or be entitled to be so registered.
  • Have 5 years post registration experience of which two must be as a manager in a high acuity adult setting and a minimum of two years in Simulation or related field.
  • Possess a post graduate qualification at not less than level 7 on the NFQ framework in Simulation in Simulation Based Education or related area (Clinical Education, Patient Safety, Human Factors)
  • Have the requisite knowledge, leadership and managerial capacity to properly discharge the functions of the role.
  • Have excellent communication and interpersonal skills.
  • Demonstrate evidence of continuing learning and professional development at the appropriate level.
Desirable Criteria
  • Post Graduate Qualification at Level 9 in Simulation Based Education or related area.
2. Age Restrictions In Relation To Applications
Age restriction shall only apply to a candidate where he/she is not classified as a new entrant (within the meaning of the Public Service Superannuation (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act, 2004). A candidate who is not classified as a new entrant must be under 65 years of age on the first day of the month in which the latest date for receiving completed applications for the office occurs.

3. Health
A candidate for and any person holding the office must be fully competent and capable of undertaking the duties attached to the office and be in a state of health as would indicate a reasonable prospect of ability to render regular and efficient service.

4. Be of good character.

5. Garda Vetting
Garda Vetting is sought for all employees and prospective employees of Tallaght University Hospital. Given the specialised nature of the services provided, your appointment will be subject to satisfactory Garda Vetting and re-vetting in circumstances where the Hospital deems it appropriate. The Hospital will then process the necessary documentation to endeavour to obtain satisfactory Garda clearance for you. You are obliged to disclose previous and any criminal convictions acquired during the course of your employment. Should the Hospital obtain information from the Garda Vetting Unit to indicate that your Garda clearance report is not satisfactory and / or if you have supplied the hospital with false or misleading information in relation to your Garda clearance status, the Hospital reserves the right to withdraw or terminate this contract in accordance with Tallaght University Hospital Garda Vetting policy.

6. Mandated and Designated Persons under Children First Act 2015
Schedule 2 of the Children First Act 2015 specifies the classes of persons defined as Mandated Persons for the purposes of the Act. This includes a range of disciplines that are employed by the hospital including all medical practitioners, registered nurses, physiotherapists, psychologists, social workers and others. This includes staff working in adult services. All mandated persons have two main legal obligations under the Children First Act 2015. Mandated persons, under the legislation are required to report any knowledge, belief or reasonable suspicion that a child has been harmed, is being harmed, or is at risk of being harmed. The Act defines harm as assault, ill-treatment, neglect or sexual abuse, and covers single and multiple instances. Mandated persons are also required to assist Tusla, if requested, in assessing a concern which has been the subject of a mandated report. Designated Officer are required to receive reports of suspected child abuse or neglect from any person who is of the opinion that (a) a child has been or is being assaulted, ill-treated, neglected or sexually abused, or (b) a child’s health, development or welfare has been or is being avoidably impaired or neglected. Full detailed list of mandated and designated staff together with details of their roles and responsibilities can be found on It is the responsibility of all staff employed by TUH to be aware of their roles and responsibilities under the legislation and to complete mandatory Children First Training.


1. The appointment is fulltime, permanent and pensionable.

2. Remuneration:
Remuneration is in accordance with the salary scale approved by the Department of Health & Children. Current remuneration with effect from 1st June 2024:
€67,972 x 6 increments to €76,762
Salary scales will be updated in line with nationally agreed pay agreements and will be updated accordingly and retrospective payments applied as applicable.

3. Pension Arrangements and Retirement Age
There are three superannuation schemes currently in operation for staff in Tallaght University Hospital:

(a) Voluntary Hospital Superannuation Scheme (Non-New Entrant)
(b) Voluntary Hospital Superannuation Scheme (New Entrant)
(c) Single Public Service Pension Scheme

Please read carefully the summary of the criteria for the three superannuation schemes below. This will assist you in identifying which scheme membership is applicable to your employment circumstances.

(a) If you have been continually employed in the public service prior to the 1st April 2004 and you have not had a break in service of more than 26 weeks, you will be included in the Voluntary Hospital Superannuation Scheme (Non-New Entrant) with a Minimum Retirement Age of 60 and a Maximum Retirement Age of 65.

(b) If you have been continually employed in the public service post the 1st April 2004 and you have not had a break in service of more than 26 weeks, you will be included in the Voluntary Hospital Superannuation Scheme (New Entrant) with a Minimum Retirement Age of 65. There is no Maximum Retirement Age.

(c) If you have commenced employment in the public service as a new entrant or you are a former public servant, returning to the public service after a break of more than 26 weeks, you will be included in the Single Public Service Pension Scheme effective from the 1st January 2013 with a minimum retirement age of 66 (rising to 67 and 68 in line with state pension changes). The maximum retirement age under this scheme will be age 70.

4. Duties:
The Simulation Nursing Lead Clinical Nurse Manager 3 will perform such duties as are outlined in this job description.

5. Hours of work:
Normal working hours are 37.5 worked over 5 days. Your contracted hours of work are liable to change to meet the requirements for extended day services in accordance with the terms of the Framework Agreement.

6. Probation:
The successful candidate will be appointed initially for a probationary period of 6 months. During the probationary period progress or otherwise will be monitored and at the end of the probationary period the service will (a) be certified as satisfactory and confirmed in writing or if not satisfactory, the probationary period may be extended by 3 months.

7. Annual Leave:
Annual leave entitlement is 25 - 28 working days (pro rata), depending on length of service, plus 10 Bank Holidays per annum as they occur. The annual leave year runs from 1st of April to 31st March each year.

8. Sick Leave:
Payment of salary during illness will be in accordance with arrangements as approved from time to time by the Department of Health and Children.

9. Termination of Office:
The employment may be terminated at any time by giving three months’ notice on either side except where circumstances are dictated by the Minimum Notice and Terms of Employment Act 1973/91. The Management’s right under this paragraph shall not be exercised save in circumstances where the Management is of the opinion that the holder of the office has failed to perform satisfactorily the duties of the post or has misconducted himself/herself in relation to the post or is otherwise unfit to hold the appointment.

  • Maintain throughout the Hospital an awareness of the primacy of the patient in relation to all Hospital activities.
  • Ensure the provision of a high standard of Simulation Based Education consistent with the mission, vision, values and strategic plan of the Hospital and the Simulation Centre.
  • Be responsible for the development and supervision of Simulation Centre staff and the teaching of staff in relation to providing quality Simulation Based Education.
  • Support the Head of Learning & Development in the implementation of hospital policy in all matters.
  • Demonstrate behaviour consistent with the values of the hospital.
  • Play an active role in Simulation Based Education.
  • Reporting relationship is to the Head of Learning & Development.
  • Professional accountability is to the Director of Nursing.


Managing the Service - Quality & Safety of Service / Delivery of Results (level 4)
  • Participates in the development and update of relevant Simulation Centre policies, procedures, protocols and guidelines.
  • Participates in event and scenario planning meetings to provide curriculum and learning objective expertise consistent with capabilities and limitations of the clinical simulation team, equipment, and facilities to meet the organisation’s needs.
  • Develops and leads faculty development activities including courses, individual instruction, print and online resources as appropriate for advanced simulation techniques. Maintains documentation of completion of orientation and faculty development activities.
  • Assures educational programmes are following standards set forth by the appropriate accrediting bodies.
  • Participates in audits as required and ensure that audits are performed in their area(s) of responsibility.
  • Assists with set up of simulation scenarios and equipment.
  • Is familiar with database, report and project management.
  • Participates in running simulate events and scenarios as appropriate.
  • Participates in cost awareness and cost control policies in Simulation Centre utilisation systems for audit purposes.
  • Supports the Head of Learning & Development in the efficient financial management of the Simulation Centre.
  • Attends meetings and sits on committees of the Department/Hospital as required.
  • Creates, updates and maintains shared electronic controlled documents, reference documents, programme files, and paper and electronic document archive accessed by the clinical simulation staff.
  • Collaborates with team members to develop and maintain appropriate materials and protocols for scheduling, administration and record keeping of simulation-based education, orientation and training.
  • Maintains an archive of simulation cases and set-up guides on the clinical simulation team’s Simulation Management System to ensure most current information is available.
  • In consultation with other disciplines, implements and assesses quality management programmes as appropriate.
Managing Change - Problem Solving & Decision Making / Communications & Influencing (level 4)
  • In conjunction with the Head of Learning & Development and TUH/TCD SBE Steering Group develops operating plans for the Simulation Centre to support optimal utilisation.
  • Engages in available opportunities to learn about current developments and best practices in simulation, shares information and best practices externally, develops and maintains relationships with simulation specialists to engage in collaborative problem solving and innovation.
  • Communicate and collaborate in a positive, professional manner with all staff including faculty staff, learners, and stakeholders of the Simulation Centre.
  • Attends local, regional and national meetings and conferences relevant to the role.
  • Conducts facility tours and participate in events providing exposure and insight to the Simulation Centre.
  • Assists with marketing, public affairs and communication needs of the Simulation Centre.
  • Actively participates in strategic action planning and programme improvement initiatives to align with the strategic goals of the organisation and the National Simulation Office.
  • Initiates and develops collaborative relationships with services in the Dublin and Midlands Region, other organisations and institutions, in particular the National Simulation Office, the ONMSD, the NMBI and the Hospital’s academic partner Trinity College Dublin.
  • Has a can do attitude and implements unpopular decisions through effective engagement.
  • Makes well informed decisions amidst ambiguity.
  • Can make unpopular decisions for the greater long term good of the Hospital.
  • Tailors a range of techniques to persuade others, explain complex information etc. Facilitate communications; between teams, conflicting parties and to persuade others to create a culture of trust and honesty.
  • Takes into account others when making an important decision, addresses team conflict, sets clear goals, embraces diversity, and promotes collaboration and team strengths to achieve goals. Offers recognition.
  • Builds and uses networks of influence for planning and organising workload.
  • Develops and maintains relationships with simulation specialists to engage in collaborative problem solving and innovation.
Managing Yourself - Team player / Planning & Organising (level 4)
  • Works collaboratively with the TUH/TCD Simulation Based Education Steering Group, TUH Clinical Lead, TCD Clinical Skills Tutorial staff and other relevant stakeholders to support the delivery of quality Simulation Based Education.
  • Sets up processes for Simulation Centre staff involvement in key decisions.
  • Promotes staff engagement and empowerment.
  • Works collaboratively with the clinical simulation team, clinical faculty, and other clients and stakeholders to develop, coordinate, implement and evaluate inter-professional simulation-based education and events, learning objectives, case scenarios, programme planning, evaluation tools and other needs of clinical departments and groups (Quality and Patient Safety; Risk and Incident Management groups) utilising the Simulation Centre.
  • Collaborates with the clinical simulation team, clinical faculty, and other clients and stakeholders to achieve consistent, integrated application of simulation-based education and events, research and other activities with the mission, strategic priorities, and objectives of TUH including (and not limited to) excellent patient care, enhanced safety and improved outcome metrics across the system.
  • Works collaboratively with the clinical simulation team and clinical faculty to conduct new faculty orientation on principles of simulation, educational techniques, debrief and other activities as appropriate. Instructs faculty and others on technical aspects of operating simulators and equipment.
  • Collaborates with relevant staff to achieve and maintain accreditation of the Simulation Centre.
  • Demonstrates flexibility if and when asked to work in other areas of the Centre for Learning & Development or wider Hospital as needed.
  • Assists in the development and implementation of Simulation Centre operations plans to ensure smooth and consistent execution of tasks.
  • Develops and implements operational plans, essential systems and processes. Monitors performance, evaluates impacts and risks.
  • Builds networks and engage with colleagues in the Dublin Midlands Region, nationally and internationally with regard to Simulation Based Education.
  • Maintains a personal record of professional development.
  • Operates within the Scope of Practice - seeks advice and assistance from line manager with any issues that prove to be beyond the scope of professional competence in line with principles of best practice and clinical governance.
Managing People – People Management / Leadership (level 4)
  • Provides a high level of professional and clinical leadership.
  • Practices within the guidelines laid out by the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Ireland.
  • Manages, monitors and evaluates professional and clinical standards ensuring an evidence based, care planning approach.
  • Ensures that all patients, families and colleagues are treated with dignity and respect.
  • Evaluates and manages the implementation of best practice policy and procedures e.g. control and usage of stocks and equipment.
  • Maintains professional standards in relation to confidentiality, ethics and legislation.
  • Initiates and participates in research studies as appropriate.
  • Ensures staff work in compliance with their Scope of Practice.
  • Participates in development of quality initiatives including clinical audit, standard setting, investigation of complaints and untoward incidents.
  • Exercises authority and co-ordinate the functions of the assigned area(s).
  • Demonstrates leadership skills using creativity, integrity, initiative and communication.
  • Delegates effectively to the core Simulation Based Education team ensuring timelines are met and efficient use of resources.
  • Demonstrates ability to use basic audio-visual equipment.
  • Provides support, advice and direction to staff as required.
  • Provides communication and feedback to line manager on technology, equipment, operational and other needs identified for overall maintenance and programme functioning.
  • Creates innovative ideas, evaluates new equipment, and identifies opportunities for technology improvement and integration into healthcare education.
  • Engages in available opportunities to learn about current developments and best practices in simulation, shares information and best practices externally.
  • Provides staff leadership and motivation, which is conducive to good working relations, and work performance and facilitate team building.
  • Promotes a culture that values diversity and respect in the workplace
  • Contributes to the strategic management and planning process. Lead on practice development.
  • Manages resources, including staff, efficiently and effectively to ensure the highest standards of service.
  • Provides reports on activity and services as required.
  • Ensures compliance with legal requirements, policies and procedures affecting service users, staff and other hospital matters.
  • Engages in IT developments as they apply to service user and service administration
  • Manage and promote liaisons with internal / external bodies as appropriate e.g. intra-hospital service, the community, voluntary organisations.
  • Formulates service plans and budgets in co-operation with the wider healthcare team.
  • Articulates the Hospital’s and Simulation Centre’s strategic plans to relevant personnel and promotes the Hospital’s core values.
  • Ensures that staffing levels and skill mix are appropriate and within the resource allocation.
  • Creates and promotes open communications, healthy working relationships and stimulate initiative among the team.
  • Creates a learning environment for all staff to encourage and promote staff development
  • Be responsible for orientation and training needs of all Simulation Centre staff.
  • Assists and supports mandatory training attendance for staff.
  • Participates in staff evaluation and staff performance achievement processes.
  • Facilitates the arrangements necessary and participate where appropriate, in education and training of other hospital staff as the need arises. This includes students at both undergraduate and post-graduate level.
  • Leads by example a professional, punctual and dedicated team.
  • Completes and monitors duty rotas and staff planners and promotes wellbeing of staff.
  • Undertakes counselling and performance achievement of staff as required.
  • Assists in the recruitment, selection and training of staff with professional advice and support from Human Resources.
  • Creates and promotes open communications, healthy working relationships, and stimulates initiative amongst staff.
  • Motivates team members, by agreeing goals and objective, through performance achievement processes.
  • Champions new initiatives. Demonstrates an ability to lead his/her team. Takes ownership. Inspires others. Leads by example while focusing on the achievement of operational and strategic goals.
Information Technology
  • Ensure that the team makes the most effective and efficient use of developments in information technology for both patient care and administrative support in a manner, which integrates well with systems throughout the organisation.
  • Ensure that all staff are trained in the use of computer systems, which are used in the management of patient episodes in the Hospital, e.g.: EPR, Pims, Order comms, Symphony, sap, core.
Health & Safety
  • Ensure the compliance of all your staff with the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act, 2005.
  • Comply and enact Health and Safety responsibilities as outlined in Hospital policies, protocols and procedures relevant to your area.
  • Prepare risk assessments and departmental safety statements as required.
Hygiene/Infection Control
  • Ensure you are aware of your responsibility for Hygiene awareness. Hygiene is defined as “The practice that serves to keep people and environments clean and prevent infection.”
  • Act as a role model and actively promote infection control and prevention and ensure that staff in your area familiarise themselves with the hospital infection control policies and guidelines as outlined in the Infection Control Manual.
  • Ensure that staff in your area are aware that they work in an area where there is potential for transmission of infection.
  • Ensure that all your staff are advised that they have a responsibility to prevent the transmission of infection particularly in relation to hand hygiene.
Quality, safety and risk management
  • Support the delivery of the Quality, Safety and Risk Management Programme, including the appropriate identification, reporting and management of risks and incidents throughout the hospital.
  • You will be aware of the confidential nature of Hospital work and in particular, the right of patients to confidentiality. To this end, you will not discuss workings of the Hospital or its patients or disclose any information of a confidential nature except as required to do so in the course of your work. No records, documents or property of the Hospital may be removed from the premises of the Hospital without prior authorisation. You must return to the Hospital upon request and, in any event, upon the termination of your employment, all documents or other property of the Hospital which are in your possession or under your control.
Data Management
  • Ensure compliance with the obligations required by the Data Protection Act 2018.
Development of Hospital Groups
  • The Hospital Structure is currently under review and therefore, reporting relationships may change. The development of Hospital Groups may require the post-holder to adopt a different reporting relationship and additional accountabilities. Full consultation will take place in advance of any such change.
NOTE: The extent and speed of change in the delivery of health care is such that adaptability is essential at this level of appointment. The appointee will be required to maintain, enhance and develop their knowledge, skills and aptitudes necessary to respond to this changing environment. They will also be required to participate in and support the Hospital’s Digital transformation strategy which may impact work processes and role profiles in the future. The Job Description must therefore be regarded as an outline of the major areas of accountability at the present time, which will be reviewed and assessed on an on-going basis as advancements and developments evolve.

Applications can be submitted ‘on-line’ at by completing the application form and attaching your CV.

Candidates should be aware that, when applying for a post through the 'On-Line' Application System (Candidate Manager) they will receive an automated replying acknowledging receipt of their application. Should you for any reason, not receive this automated acknowledgement, you should notify the Human Resources Department, before the closing date, otherwise your application will not be considered.

Closing Date: Before close of business on: 23rd September 2024

Informal enquiries to Shauna Ennis, Head of Learning & Development by phone 01 414 2857 or email
All candidates should note that, in order to maintain a timely process, the closing date and time for receipt of applications will be strictly adhered to. TUH Core Competencies:
Core Area

Managing the service
Quality & Safety of Service

Managing the service
Delivery of Results

Managing Change
Problem Solving & Decision Making

Managing Change
Communications & Influencing

Managing Yourself
Team player

Managing Yourself
Planning and Organising

Managing People
People Management

Managing People

Please go to www.tuh/careers for details of the core competencies
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