Finland Job Openings

Oulun yliopisto
Postdoctoral researcher, senior research fellow or part-time clinical researcher in the Fibrobesity research programme
October 3, 2024
We are now seeking several talented scientists for
Postdoctoral Researcher, senior research fellow or part-time clinical researcher positions
in the research programme Fibrobesity – Preventing Fibrosis Related to Obesity.The positions can be placed in the Faculty of Medicine, the Faculty of Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine, the Faculty of Humanities, or the Faculty of Education and Psychology. Possible duration is from six months to a maximum of 18 months. A total 28 person months will be awarded to two or more candidates.
Fibrobesity – Preventing Fibrosis Related to Obesity - is a multidisciplinary research programme supported by the Research Council of Finland Profi6 funding from 2021 to 2026. The focus is on the medical and societal challenges of obesity-related fibrotic pathologies. The Fibrobesity research community extends to nearly all faculties and research areas from medicine, biochemistry, and molecular medicine to human, education, and ICT sciences. Fibrobesity links strongly with the strategy of the University of Oulu under a wider umbrella of Combatting fibrosis in chronic diseases and developing new therapeutics (Fibro Health).
The pressing issues addressed by Fibrobesity relate to its three sub-themes as follows. Molecular Mechanisms and Clinical Significance of Fibrosis (FIBRO1) strives to identify currently poorly known molecular pathways causative for obesity and fibrosis. Disease Modelling for Future Therapies (FIBRO2) facilitates translational studies through development of novel in vitro and in vivo disease models. Societal and Behavioural Perspectives (FIBRO3) combines approaches at a broader range of disciplines to reveal lifelong behavioural determinants of obesity.
About the job
We are seeking excellent scientists for all three above-described sub-themes FIBRO1, 2 and 3. A successful applicant can have a background in a wide range of scientific disciplines and is expected to have competence and planned or already ongoing research in at least one of the following areas linked to obesity and obesity-related fibrosis: epidemiology or genetics; clinical studies; molecular and cellular mechanisms; model organisms and disease modelling for future therapies; bioinformatics; behavioural, cultural and societal perspectives, or other relevant area fitting in the thematic scope of Fibrobesity. We appreciate innovative visions for interdisciplinary approaches and new collaborative research initiatives across faculties, or continuation of established ones.As a postdoctoral researcher, senior research fellow or clinical researcher, your primary duties may include:
- Carrying out research leading to high-quality academic publications
- Contribution to writing and submitting research funding proposals
- Activity in the academic community
- Supervision of masters students or doctoral researchers
- Participation in teaching tasks, subject to faculty needs and your own teaching capabilities and interests (maximum of 15% of the working hours)
Who are you?
You are the person we are looking for if you have:- Doctoral degree in an applicable research field, such as medicine, biomedicine, biochemistry, bioinformatics, molecular biology, health science, history, psychology or other human science
- High motivation and good aptitude to work efficiently both independently and as part of a team and developing strong productive collaborations
- Potential in acquiring external research funding, shown by prior experience in preparing funding proposals (ERC, or active contribution in other international calls; demonstrated high scores in Research Council of Finland evaluations will be considered a significant asset)
- History of, or plans for research mobility
- Experience in local, national and international networking
- Good communication, writing and presentation skills
- Fluency in both written and spoken English
Those eligible to apply for a part-time (20–50% of working hours) clinical researcher position are medical doctors with a doctoral degree working in clinical practice or other healthcare professionals with a doctoral degree engaged in clinical practice. The applicant for clinical researcher position must agree the working-time arrangements in advance, particularly if aiming to conduct research and clinical work at different sites.
What do we offer?
We offer you an interesting and supportive research framework to solve globally significant research problems in an international environment and the possibility to develop professionally with the help of experienced colleagues. You will have access to excellent research infrastructure equipment and services. As a member of the multidisciplinary Fibro Health research community at the University of Oulu, you have access to targeted Fibrobesity research programme activities and funding opportunities.Additionally, as an employee at the University of Oulu, you will benefit from:
- Development and career options of the big organization.
- Work that matters and a workplace that promotes flexibility and work-life balance. Read more about working with us.
- Wellness benefit e Passi covering sport, culture and well-being. Read more about other staff benefits.
The positions are subject to a fixed-term contract starting 1.1.2025 or as agreed.The salary will be based on the demand level chart for teaching and research staff of Finnish universities (postdoctoral researcher at levels 5-6 and senior research fellow at levels 6-7). In addition, a salary component based on personal work performance will be paid (a maximum of 50 % of the job-specific component). Starting gross salary will be approx. 3600-4200 € for a postdoctoral researcher, and 4000-5500 € for a senior research fellow per month (before taxes). The salary of a clinical researcher is determined by the career level (postdoctoral or senior researcher) and part-time percentage. A trial period of 6 months is applied for the position, if relevant.
How to apply?
Interested? If yes, please apply by 27.10.2024 (23:59 Finnish local time) through our recruitment system.The application should be written in English and include the following:
Cover letter (max. 2 pages), including:
- Contact information
- Which position are you applying for: full-time postdoc/ full-time senior research fellow/ part-time clinical researcher including applied percentage of working hours
- How many months are you applying for and desired start date
- Hosting faculty and research unit, if you are already able to identify it (optional)
- Description of your motivation, including a brief account of research interests and merits linked to this position
- CV, following the guidelines of the Finnish Advisory Board on Research Integrity
- List of publications, following the guidelines of the Research Council of Finland
Research and action plan, including the applicant’s vision how to renovate the field of science in Fibrobesity, with the following sections (max 3 pages, excluding bibliography):
- Title of the research
- Background, aim and objectives (please also indicate, if this is a new project or a continuation or an extension of an earlier Fibrobesity-funded project)
- Implementation, timetable and funding plan
- The role of the applicant in the research project
- Ethical issues
- Expected outcomes and impact
- Contact information of 2 persons available for recommendation
- Certificate/Diploma: Scanned copy of the original doctoral degree certificate
We welcome applicants from all backgrounds, such as people of different ages, different genders and members of different language, cultural or minority groups.
Contact Information
If you have any further questions, please get in touch with the Fibrobesity coordinator Ritva Saastamoinen, are looking forward to your application!
Työsopimuksen voimassaolo: määräaikainen 3-6 kuukautta | Työsuhteen luonne: kokoaikainen/osa-aikainen | Paikkojen lukumäärä: 2 | Työllisyysaste: 100%, or 20-50% | Paikkakunta: Oulu | Maakunta: Pohjois-Pohjanmaa | Maa: Finland | Ilmoitusnumero: 2024/476 | Yhteys: Ritva Saastamoinen , | Julkaistu: 2024-10-04 | Haku päättyy: 2024-10-27
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