Finland Job Openings

Tampereen Yliopisto
Researcher (Signal processing / Data Science) / Tutkija (Signaalinkäsittely / Data-analytiikka)
October 29, 2024
Researcher (Signal processing / Data Science) / Tutkija (Signaalinkäsittely / Data-analytiikka)
Tampere University and Tampere University of Applied Sciences create a unique environment for multidisciplinary, inspirational, and high-impact research and education. Our universities community has its competitive edges in technology, health, and society. Read more:
We are looking for a highly motivated researcher to work on the analysis and interpretation of physiological data. The position is situated in the Data-analytics and Optimization (DAO) research group of Tampere University, Pori Campus, part of the Data Science Research Center at the Faculty of Information Technology and Communication Sciences (ITC).
The contract offered at TAU is until March 31, 2027, with possible extension. The work is related to the Well-being, Vitality and Smart Services through Experience Production and Technology (EHEÄ) project. The project is carried out in cooperation with Satakunta University of Applied Sciences, Sataedu vocational education organization and Prizztech Oy. Together with the partners, the researcher will design and implement data acquisition setups to acquire physiological data in various real-life situations. The data set will include physiological variables such as ECG, Heart Rate, Galnvanic Skin Response, movement etc. Also, Electroencephalogram (EEG) data collection using consumer-oriented devices will be carried out in relevant settings. Using these data the research group will study the impact of various real-life cultural and recreational experiences on physical and mental well-being in order to facilitate the development of well-being services and experience production. The specific real-life situations will be determined at the beginning of the project together with the stakeholders and companies involved. The DAO research group has 15 members. The position is well suited for pursuing doctoral studies in the Doctoral Programme of Computing and Electrical Engineering (DPCEE) It is possible to tailor the research objectives of the project according to the interests of the researcher.
The main tasks related to the position are:
- Brainstorming and designing physiological data acquisition setups and future services
- Carrying out acquisition of physiological data according to the data regulations
- Performing analysis of physiological data and interpreting the results together with the project team
- Presenting the research at various events
- Reporting on the research results in scientific publications and project reports.
- The applicant needs to have a master’s degree or equivalent (or to acquire the degree in nearest future) in a field related to the position, such as computer science, signal processing, machine learning, data science. Willingness to pursue postgraduate studies is considered as an advantage.
- The applicant should have good experience in Python and Mat Lab programming environments.
- Additional knowledge about physiological signal analysis and health data analytics is considered as an advantage.
- The applicant is capable of teamwork together with the stakeholders and companies to brainstorm and design data acquisition setups and services. The applicant should also be able to independently carry out acquisition of physiological data.
- Additional skills that are highly appreciated in this position are the willingness to work hard in a cross-sector and multi-cultural environment, ability to work both independently and in a team, and interest in academic research.
We offer a fixed term contract until 31.3.2027, with a possible extension. The starting date of the employment is expected to be at earliest December 1st, 2024. A trial period of six (6) months applies to all new employees at TAU.
Salary will be based on both the job requirements and the employee’s personal performance in accordance with the Finnish University Salary System. The position is placed at level 2-4 of the job requirements scale, with a starting salary of approximately 2,600-3,000€ per month. The salary depends on the background of the applicant and increases based on experience and the progress of the project work.
We are inviting you to be a part of a vibrant, active, and truly multidisciplinary research community. We value interdisciplinarity, as it allows you to expand your research network and exposes you to new perspectives and ideas to solve complex research problems and pursue novel research findings. We are strongly committed to the highest level of scientific research and the provision of high-quality doctoral education.
The DAO research group operates in the city of Pori, as part of the Pori University Consortium (Frontpage | Porin yliopistokeskus ( Located on the west coast of Finland, Pori is home to 80,000 people. Pori is a vibrant city full of festivals and alternative culture where events and activities liven up the atmosphere. The city and its surroundings offer a diverse variety of land and water sports. The total student population at the University Consortium of Pori and the universities of applied sciences in the region is around 10,000.
Finland provides one of the most advanced and comprehensive social security in the world. It includes for example sickness benefits, various family benefits and a comprehensive healthcare system. For more information on Finland, please check info Finland, Visit Finland, and This is Finland.
Please submit your application through our online recruitment system. The closing date for applications is November 20th, 2024 (at 23:59 EET / UTC+2). Please write your application and all accompanying documentation in English and attach them in PDF format only.
- Please attach only the following documents (in PDF format) to your application:
A letter of motivation and description of your research interests (max. 2 pages). Named “Surname_Motivation_Letter.pdf”. The selected applicant will have to apply and be admitted to the doctoral programme prior to the start of the work. The student needs to write a more detailed research plan at that stage.
- Curriculum vitae according to the TENK template. Named “Surname_CV.pdf”
- PDF copies of your Master’s and Bachelor’s degree certificates, including transcripts of all university records in original language. If original language is other than Finnish, Swedish or English, please provide an official translation in one of those languages.
- Either two recommendation letters [preferably] OR the contact details of two referees [if the first option is not possible, and with explained reasoning], e.g., your master’s supervisors / employers. Named “Surname_Reccomendations.pdf”
- If available a certificate of English language proficiency, named “Surname_Lang.pdf”.
Tarmo Lipping, professor,
Tampereen yliopisto ja Tampereen ammattikorkeakoulu muodostavat yhdessä Suomen toiseksi suurimman monitieteisen, innostavan ja vaikuttavan tutkimus- ja oppimisyhteisön. Korkeakouluyhteisömme osaamiskärjet ovat tekniikka, terveys ja yhteiskunta. Lue lisää:
Tampereen yliopistossa on haettavana Tutkijan tehtävä (Signaalinkäsittely / Data-analytiikka)
Sopimus on määräaikainen, voimassa 31. maaliskuuta 2027 asti, mahdollisella jatkolla. Työ liittyy Elämyksistä, luovista aloista ja teknologiasta hyvinvointia, elinvoimaa ja älykkäitä palveluita (EHEÄ) -projektiin. Projekti toteutetaan yhteistyössä Satakunnan ammattikorkeakoulun, Sataedun ja Prizztech Oy:n kanssa. Yhdessä kumppaneiden kanssa tutkija suunnittelee ja toteuttaa mittausjärjestelmiä fysiologisten signaalien keräämiseksi erilaisissa tosielämän tilanteissa. Mittaukset käsittävät fysiologisia muuttujia, kuten EKG, syke, ihon sähkönjohtavuus, liike, aivosähkökäyrä kuluttajalaitteilla jne. Näiden tietojen avulla tutkimusryhmämme tutkii erilaisten elämyspalvelujen vaikutusta fyysiseen ja henkiseen hyvinvointiin, tarkoituksena edistää hyvinvointipalvelujen ja elämystuotannon kehittämistä. Tarkemmat mittausasetelmat määritellään projektin alussa yhdessä sidosryhmien ja mukana olevien yritysten kanssa. DAO-tutkimusryhmässä on 15 jäsentä. Tehtävä sopii hyvin tohtoriopintojen suorittamiseen Tieto- ja sähkötekniikan tohtoriohjelmassa (DPCEE). Tutkimusprojektin tavoitteet voidaan räätälöidä tutkijan kiinnostuksen kohteiden mukaan.
Tehtävään liittyvät pääasialliset tehtävät ovat:
- Fysiologisten mittausjärjestelmien ja tulevien palvelujen ideointi ja suunnittelu
- Datan kerääminen datasäädösten mukaisesti
- Fysiologisten tietojen analysointi ja tulosten tulkinta yhdessä projektitiimin kanssa
- Tutkimuksen esittely erilaisissa tapahtumissa
- Tutkimustulosten raportointi tieteellisissä julkaisuissa ja projektiraporteissa
Lue tarkemmat tiedot tehtävästä ja hakuohjeet yllä olevasta englanninkielisestä ilmoituksesta.
Jätäthän hakemuksesi yliopiston sähköisellä hakulomakkeella (linkki löytyy tämän ilmoituksen alta). Hakuaika tehtävään päättyy 20.11.2024, klo 23:59.
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