Pakistan Job Openings

National NGO
Consultant Required for the Development of Compendium and Documentary
October 23, 2024
- Provinces of KP, Punjab and Sindh with particular focus on Peshawar Division (Peshawar, Nowshera, Charsadda, Khyber, and Mohmand), Bahawalpur Division (Bahawalpur, Bahawalnagar, and Rahim Yar Khan) and Bhambore Division (Thatta, Badin, Sujjawal, and Jamshoro.
Geographic Area: Provinces of KP, Punjab and Sindh with particular focus on Peshawar Division (Peshawar, Nowshera, Charsadda, Khyber, and Mohmand), Bahawalpur Division (Bahawalpur, Bahawalnagar, and Rahim Yar Khan) and Bhambore Division (Thatta, Badin, Sujjawal, and Jamshoro)
Reports to: Project Manager TVET Project, IDEA.
Closing Date for submission of proposal: Within 15 days of the advertisement.
A. Background
IDEA, RDF and LPP are implementing the project titled “Strengthening the Socio-economic Resilience of Youth by Promoting their Economic Self-reliance in three Provinces of Pakistan” ” with the financial support of BMZ and technical support of WHH. The project has been designed to complement current government programmes for the promotion of vocational training and qualification and the integration of young people into the labour market with targeted measures to support particularly vulnerable, low-income and marginalized groups. This project is implemented in the provinces of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Punjab and Sindh (LPP in Punjab, RDF in Sindh and IDEA in KP). IDEA is a non-profit organization that supports marginalized communities in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) (including the newly merged districts). IDEA was established in 2003 and is registered under the Voluntary Social Welfare Agencies Ordinance 1961. IDEA is also formally registered with the Directorate of Social Welfare (Registration #159) and with the Ministry of States and Frontier Region (SAFRON) for its refugees and IDPs projects. IDEA aims to contribute to the empowerment of marginalized communities, particularly through institutional capacity building. Central to the organization’s work is a decidedly participatory approach.
B. Introduction
The project has been implemented in Peshawar division that includes, districts of Peshawar, Nowshera, Charsadda, Mohmand and Khyber, Bahawalpur Division including Bahawalpur, Bahawalnagar, and Rahim Yar Khan, and Bhambore Division (Thatta, Badin, Sujjawal and Jamshoro). Unemployed youth of these districts are being empowered through skills trainings in the trades demanded by job markets specifically within the target districts and generally at the regional level. After completion of training, half of the graduates would take up self-employment/enterprise development.
C. Objectives
The primary objective of this endeavor is to document the achievements, learnings, and best practices of the PAK 1118 project by developing a comprehensive project compendium. We are seeking a qualified consultant or organization to compile this compendium, which will serve as a reliable reference manual for stakeholders involved in similar projects. The compendium and accompanying documentary will be shared with key stakeholders, including Welthungerhilfe (WHH), NAVTTC, the Ministry of Industries, LPP, RDF, the Chamber of Commerce, the Social Welfare Department, and provincial TEVTAs (Technical Education and Vocational Training Authorities). This assignment will encompass a detailed compilation of the project’s achievements, challenges, lessons learned, best practices, and success stories from across the three provinces, with a particular focus on the districts of Peshawar, Bahawalpur, and Bhambore Divisions.
D. Scope of Work
The scope of work is divided into the following key components.
a. Compendium Development
The compendium will serve as a comprehensive record of the PAK 1118 project's achievements, challenges, lessons learned, and success stories. The tasks include:
- Data Collection and Review: Gather detailed project data, reports, and documentation from WHH and its partners, including LPP, RDF and IDEA and others. Conduct interviews with key stakeholders (e.g., project staff, beneficiaries, community members, and government officials) across all targeted districts in Peshawar, Bahawalpur, and Bhambore Divisions.
- Compilation of Achievements: Provide an in-depth review of the project’s goals and achievements, focusing on tangible outcomes such as skill development initiatives, capacity-building programs, employment generation, and entrepreneurship support.
- Challenges and Lessons Learned: Document the key challenges encountered during project implementation and the lessons learned from addressing these challenges.
- Success Stories: Identify and document case studies and success stories from project beneficiaries that highlight the impact of the interventions.
- Report Design and Presentation: Organize the content into a professionally formatted compendium, ensuring that it is clear, engaging, and user-friendly.
The documentary will visually capture the essence of the project and highlight its successes, challenges, and best practices. The tasks include:
- Concept Development: Create a documentary outline that aligns with the project's objectives, focusing on the most impactful stories, achievements, and lessons learned from the project across the three provinces.
- On-Site Filming: Conduct field visits to the targeted districts in Peshawar, Bahawalpur, and Bhambore to record interviews with beneficiaries, stakeholders, and local authorities. Capture footage of on-the-ground project activities and outcomes, particularly highlighting vocational training programs and entrepreneurship success stories.
- Editing and Post-Production: Develop a 10-15 minute documentary that succinctly portrays the project's key highlights, ensuring high production quality. The documentary should include narration, interviews, visuals, and appropriate background music to maintain viewer engagement.
- Final Delivery: Provide a fully edited and subtitled documentary in both English and Urdu to ensure broader accessibility.
The best practices guide will serve as a practical manual for stakeholders involved in future projects. The tasks include:
- Identification of Best Practices: Based on project findings, identify and document best practices that have proven effective in achieving project outcomes. This may include innovative training approaches, public-private partnerships, community engagement strategies, and gender-inclusive initiatives.
- Actionable Recommendations: Provide clear and actionable recommendations that could be applied to similar future projects in Pakistan or in other regions. These recommendations should focus on scaling up successful practices and addressing recurring challenges.
- Guide Design and Formatting: Design a visually appealing and user-friendly guide that stakeholders can easily reference. Ensure that the guide is concise and organized into practical sections.
- Consultation with Key Stakeholders: Engage with WHH, NAVTTC, Ministry of Industries, TEVTAs, LPP, RDF, and other stakeholders to gather insights and validate findings.
- Review and Feedback: Present drafts of the compendium, documentary, and best practices guide to WHH and other key partners for feedback and approval. Revise the content based on their input.
- A comprehensive project compendium in print-ready formats.
- A 10-15 minute documentary capturing the project’s essence, available in both English and Urdu.
- A best practices guide for project stakeholders, available in both English and Urdu.
- The assignment is expected to be completed within a period of 45 days. The consultant/organization will provide regular progress reports to IDEA and WHH partners, ensuring all milestones are achieved in a timely manner.
- The consultant individual/firm will set a meeting with the project team to finalize the action plan.
The consultant individual/firm will submit a work plan to conduct meetings/visits with the mentioned different stakeholders’ execution of activities.
- The consultant individual/firm will review project documents, such as project proposal, LFA, and progress reports of project PAK 1118.
- The consultant individual/firm will give a Power Point presentation on the tools developed and working methodology developed by him/her.
- The consultant individual/firm will conduct meetings, group discussions, and interviews with the mentioned stakeholders at different locations of project intervention areas at Tehsil, District, Provincial, and National level.
- Submission of activity process reports along with best quality pictures (with consent form in hard forms) in soft form.
The consultant individual/firm development and submission of all kinds of related MOVs like pictures, attendance sheets, etc.
- The consultant individual/firm will visit the District Administration offices (DC, AC, NAVTTC and TEVTA etc.) and also hold a meeting with concerned officials to assess the overall situation, challenges, and achievements of the Govt. and the role of civil society.
- Finalize the project compendium in concise booklet form up to 100 pages.
The consultant, both firm/individuals, shall have demonstrated the capacity and capability to undertake similar assignments. The following criteria will form the basis for selection.
- A consulting firm/institution registered with any registration authority and the individual consultant be on the active taxpayer's list of the Government of Pakistan if applicable.
- The firm/individual consultant must have demonstrated expertise in the development of a project compendium, or similar documents, documenting successes and lessons learned of the developmental projects.
- Education qualification for technical experts will be master’s in social sciences, or relevant, have at least 3 years’ experience of similar tasks mentioned above.
- The firm/individual consultant having at least 3 years of previous experience in carrying out similar nature assignments for national and/or international agencies and has to submit a separate list of assignments completed on the following template,
Name of Clients for whom assignment were completed
Generation of the assignments (Year and month only)
Location where the assignments were done
Contracts/agreements of the relevant assignments completed attached Yes/No
- For validation and verification, the consultant has to share/submit the latest reports of the completed assignments/experiences at the time of interview and may be asked by the selection panel for submission of additional MOVs of the past experiences, the MOVs will include contract agreements, purchase order, completion certificate/report etc. (Failing to submit the MOVs, the proposal shall not be considered further for selection)
The consultant/consulting firm is expected to come up with the best approaches for undertaking this assignment. However, the following guiding principles should be taken into consideration:
- Desk review of existing inputs including project documents, reports, assessments, and previous similar studies/databases done/designed by SBP, GIZ, NRSP, TEVTAs, NAVTTC, IDEA, LPP, RDF, and WHH etc.
- Interviews with public sector TVET institutions, previous graduates who have been benefited with by the project’s interventions, relevant CSOs, relevant government departments and industries, staff of IPs (implementing partners like IDEA, RDF, and LPP)
- Key Informant Interviews (KIIs) of the relevant and key persons in the industry and non-formal sector.
- Any other methods applicable.
The key deliverables for this assignment will include:
- Comprehensive Project Compendium:
- A well-structured and professionally formatted document that covers the project’s achievements, challenges, lessons learned, and success stories.
- Detailed sections on key accomplishments in skill development, capacity building, and entrepreneurship.
- A summary of findings based on data collected from the targeted districts (Peshawar, Bahawalpur, and Bhambore Divisions).
- Documentary:
- A 10-15 minute professionally produced documentary that highlights the project's successes, challenges, and impact.
- The documentary should include interviews with beneficiaries and stakeholders, project activities, and visuals that showcase the project's outcomes.
- The final product should be subtitled in both English and Urdu for broader accessibility.
- Best Practices Guide:
- A practical guide that identifies and compiles the most effective practices implemented during the project.
- Actionable recommendations for future projects, focusing on scaling successful approaches and addressing challenges.
- The guide should be user-friendly and visually appealing, available in both English and Urdu.
- Documentation of engagement with key stakeholders (e.g., NAVTTC, TEVTAs, Ministry of Industries, CSOs) and validation of findings and recommendations.
- Feedback reports from stakeholders after presenting drafts of the compendium, documentary, and best practices guide.
- A dataset of the qualitative and quantitative information collected during field visits, surveys, interviews, and focus group discussions.
- Analysis of sector-specific data, including insights into TVET enrollment, employment rates, and the success of entrepreneurship initiatives.
- A final report summarizing the entire process, including methodology, key findings, and challenges encountered, and solutions applied.
- A detailed timeline of the project, with evidence of meeting each milestone.
The report shall include the following
- Title of the assignment
- The date of the report
- An executive summary
- The approach followed during the assignment
- Any challenges or scope limitations encountered by the consultant/firm in performing the assignment
- The outcome of the assignment based on the tasks defined in To R
- Tabulated and graphic presentation of outcomes vs. outputs.
- Annexes (including list of stakeholders consulted during the assignment, record of interviews with stakeholders, aggregate findings, etc.)
- The signatures of firm’s authorized representative along with official stamp
- The individual/firm’s address, email and phone and cell contact
The duration of the assignment will be 45 days (1.5 months) including travel days with inclusion of number of off-days.
M. Payment procedures
- Payment will be made through cross cheque in the name of Firm/Consultant
- Payment will be made as per the following four installments,
b) 25% after field data collection,
c) 25% after initial submission of compendium’s report and documentary,
d) and 25% after submission of final report/documentary and their presentation to Project, organization and the stakeholders
N. Application Procedure & Requirements
Consulting firms/Individual Consultant interested are expected to submit the following:
- The required Mo Vs mentioned under the section H. of this RFP.
- A Technical Proposal with detailed response to the To R, with specific focus on the Objectives, Scope of work, approaches to be used and key selection criteria for respondents (in separate Envelop).
- Initial work plan based on approaches outlined, and indication of availability as part of Technical proposal.
- A Financial Proposal with detail budget breakdown based consultant expected fee in the tune of persons-days involved, transportation costs, logistics costs and other mode of expenditures in accomplishment of the assignment.
- Consultants/Company profile and CVs of proposed staff including a minimum of 3 references and CVs of team involved by individual consultant (should be given as annexures in Technical Proposal)
As mentioned already in the section H. of this RPF, IDEA will evaluate the offers of the eligible individuals/agencies will evaluate the received offers against the following qualifiers;
Total Marks
Technical Proposal (completeness and responsiveness to;
- The Objectives (15 marks),
- Scope of work (15 marks),
- Methodology to be used (10 marks),
- Key selection criteria for respondents (5 marks),
- Initial work plan, (10 marks)
- Indication of availability, (5 marks), and
- Profile/CVs/References (10 marks)
Financial Proposal
P. Submission of Application
- 1. Qualified Firms/Consultants are requested to submit
B). Technical Proposal detailing as pointed out.
C). Financial Proposal within 15 days of the publication of this advertisement by 0200 PM (PST).
- Each of Technical and Financial Proposals and set of Mo Vs mentioned under the section H of this RFP, should be packed and sealed in separate envelopes before packing them all in single envelop, addressed to: Head Office IDEA House No: 2, Street No.1 Rahatabad, Near Peshawar Zoo, Palosi Road, Peshawar.
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