Pakistan Job Openings
Participatory Village Development Programme
Terms of Reference for Final Evaluation
November 7, 2024
Humanitarian Assistance for Flood-Affected Households in Mirpurkhas, Sindh (Continuation)
In July 2023, PVDP initiated a follow up project titled “Humanitarian Assistance for Flood Affected Households in Mirpurkhas, Sindh (Continuation)” after the devastating floods 2022. The project was implemented in the selected 20 villages of Taluka Jhudo District Mirpurkhas. The project duration spans from 15 July 2023 to 30 September 2024 with two months of no-cost extension. The project was funded by Diakonie Katastrophenhilfe. The overall objective of the project was to Restore conditions of safety and dignity for flood-affected people and ensure their access to urgently needed assistance in Sindh Province of Pakistan. (SO3 of Pakistan Flood Response Plan) and achieve the following results;
Improved access to meet food needs for the flood affected HHs through distribution of cash grant.
Improved accessibility to the safe places during emergency by rehabilitating evacuation routes through CFW
Improved access to safe and clean water for drinking and domestic purpose by installing Hand Pumps and enhanced awareness about health and hygiene through provision of Hygiene Kits and Sessions.
Farmers are able to cultivate and improve their agriculture production through provision of seeds and fertilizers and practicing kitchen gardening at their HHs level
Improved livelihood conditions to flood affected HHs by providing 02 goats (each HH) and vaccinations campaign to the targeted animals.
Technical and vocational training skills will be provided to Male and Female beneficiaries of the community so that they are gainfully employed and increase their incomes on a sustainable basis.
The project has been implemented from 15 July 2023 to 30 September 2024 with two months of no-cost extension until 30 November 2024 due to late start of the project. This end of project evaluation focuses on the entire implementation period.
The evaluation is forward looking and should capture effectively lesson learnt and provide information on the nature, extent and where possible, the potential impact and sustainability of the project. The evaluation should assess the project design, scope, implementation status and the capacity to achieve the project objectives. It should collate and analyze lessons learnt, challenges faced and best practices obtained during implementation which will inform the future projects.
The emphasis on learning lessons should speaks to the issue of understanding what has and what has not worked as a guide for future planning. It will assess the performance of the project against planned results. The evaluation will assess the preliminary indications of potential impact and sustainability of results including the contribution to capacity development and achievement of sustainable development goals.
Scope and focus of the Evaluation
The end of the project will assess the effectiveness of the implementation strategy and the results. This will include the implementation modalities, timely achievement of the targets as planned, participation of beneficiaries and local line departments, replication and sustainability of the project. The evaluation will include the review of the project design and assumptions made at the beginning of the project development process. Project management including the implementation strategies; project activities; it will assess the extent to which the project results (output and outcome level) have been achieved (quantitative and qualitative), impact achieved. It will also assess whether the project implementation strategy has been optimum and recommend areas for improvement and learning.
The Evaluation Questions
The following key questions will guide the end of project evaluation:
Relevance (Access design and focus of the project)
To what extent were the results (impacts, outcomes and outputs) achieved?
Was the project relevant to the identified needs of the target beneficiaries and the local area context?
Were the inputs and strategies identified, and where they realistic, appropriate and adequate to achieve the results?
Was the project relevant to the identified needs?
How appropriate were the management process in supporting delivery of project expected results?
To what extent were the intended project goal, outcomes and outputs achieved and how?
How effective were the strategies and tools used in the implementation of the project?
How effective has the project been in responding to the needs of the beneficiaries, and what results were achieved?
What are the future intervention strategies and issues?
How far the results achieved did justify the cost incurred - were the resources effectively utilized?
Was the approach adopted helped to produce good results? or Could a different approach have produced better results?
What are the key factors/areas that will require addition support/attention in order to improve prospects of sustainability of the project objectives?
What are the recommendations for similar support in future?
What are the intended and unintended consequences as a result of the project activities?
Are there any significant changes in the context as a result of the project intervention?
The decision for the selection of the consultant/firm shall be concluded by the 15 November 2024. The following timeframe and deliverables will be followed.
02 days
03 days
02 days
06 days
02 days
07 days
The Final evaluation will be conducted by a third-party consultancy firm to be finalized/hired by PVDP. The data collection tools will include both qualitative and quantitative tools to assess the performance of the project according to the OECD/DAC evaluation criteria mentioned above. DKH and its partners will provide focal staff for field facilitation to the consultant firm.
The evaluation will combine qualitative and quantitative collection and evaluation techniques using the following methods
Desk Review: The evaluation will review pertinent project documents and materials produced before and during project implementation, including the project proposal, annual and quarterly workplans, project monthly progress reports, Bi-annual and annual reports, and other documents created for or related to the project.
Household Surveys: A questionnaire will be created to gather data on evaluations of households to evaluate the impact the project had on the targeted populations as a result of the project interventions. At the conclusion of the contract with the consultant, the sample size for the collection of household-level data will be mutually agreed upon before initiation of the assignment or data collection.
Key Informant Interviews: In addition to the desk review, the evaluators will also conduct interviews with key project stakeholder (particularly Consortium members) using a structured methodology developed by the consultant in collaboration with the DKH team.
A set of KIIs will also be conducted with selected relevant key informants and institutions (a list of key informants and institutions such as Livestock and agriculture department, FSP Telenor, Social welfare department and Research Institutes will be agreed between the evaluator and the DKH team.
Focus Group Discussion: The data will also be collected using focus groups discussion with project participants and other stakeholders using a pre-designed focus group discussion guide.
3. Logistical support
The consultant firm is required to share their overall logistic plan to carry out this evaluation and should include budget for each aspect of the evaluation.
4. Required Qualification and expertise
The Evaluation firm or company shall have the following expertise:
Relevant experience to evaluate the projects of emergencies, livelihoods and food security;
Having experts who have Extensive expertise, knowledge, and experience in the field of food security and livelihood resilience;
At least 5 years of experience in conducting project evaluations while working with international organizations and donors.
Excellent drafting of evaluation report writing.
By 14 November 2024 interested, qualified, and experienced individuals, groups of individuals, or firms must submit an Expression of Interest dossier on
In the expression of interest, there should be two offers: one technical and one financial.
5.1. Technical offer:
The lead consultant's most recent CV, which highlights their qualifications and education
A technical proposal that outlines the planned methodology and the materials required (maximum 3 pages). The technical proposal should highlight sample size calculation, sampling criteria and the quality of steps taken to ensure data quality. The composition of relevant team members (relevant technical background) to complete the project final evaluation.
A report sample from a comparable project that illustrates the necessary knowledge and expertise, as well as a list of previous at least three evaluations conducted by the principal consultant/evaluator.
Previous experience of conducting project final evaluations of German based donors.
A list of all expenses expected to be incurred by the consultant including a daily rate. The detailed financial proposal highlighting the per day rate of team members completing this consultancy assignment.
A list of all expenses expected to be incurred by the consultant including a daily rate.
The detailed financial proposal highlighting the per day rate of team members completing this consultancy assignment.
By 14 November 2024 interested, qualified, and experienced individuals, groups of individuals, or firms must submit an Expression of Interest dossier on
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